A pool is a wonderful addition to any home, and it adds a lot of value not only in terms of price but also in terms of memories to be made. Spending time with loved ones or even by yourself relaxing poolside are some of the richest moments in life!
In order to keep your pool enjoyable and valuable over time, it’s vital that you keep it well maintained and in good working order; if you fail to do so, you could be facing a big headache as well as high repair bills. While sometimes it can be a bit tedious to make sure your pool stays in optimal conditions, it’s worth it in the long run to put in the little extra work and attention to detail so that it’s working well for whenever you need it, all year round. After all, your pool needs a little TLC too! The Woodlands pool builder team wants to help you avoid having costly repair issues in the long run! That’s why we’ve put together this article to help give you five tips on how to maintain your swimming pool. Let’s take a look! Pool Maintenance Tip 1: Clean the Pool Filter The main function of your pool filter is to help keep the water clean and free of impurities, so you’ll want to make sure that you keep your pool filter clean as well so that it can do its job. There are a variety of different pool filter types, so you’ll need to make sure that you know which one you have. The most common filter types include:
Depending on your filter type, your maintenance process will be a bit different. If you’re not sure what type of filter you have or feel that you can’t clean it out yourself, contact your local pool maintenance company. If you do know what kind of pool filter you have, excellent. Even though maintenance will be different, in any case, you’ll need to clean out the filter or it won’t be able to keep hold of the particles and it won’t be able to function properly. You’ll start to notice that you have an issue when your pool water is looking murky or less clear, or if you see a change in water flow. You can clean the pool filter with a few simple steps; make sure that the valve is in the backwash position first, and then you can start the cleaning process. Sand filters aren’t commonly used anymore, and if you still have one, you may one to consider changing to cartridge or DE because they are more efficient. You may want to call your local pool installers to give you the best advice on how to change out your filter type. If you have a DE filter, you’ll perform an emptying of the filter bag at least every other week. For cartridge filters, you can take it out and hose it off. This will help to maintain the lifespan of your filter and keep your pool clean. Pool Maintenance Tip 2: Use a Pool Skimmer While your filter will definitely help to keep particles and impurities out of your pool, The Woodlands pool company still highly recommends that you consider using a pool skimmer. It’s common that wind can blow dirt, leaves, flowers, and other things into your pool, which means that you’ll have to maintain this cleaned out if you want to use it regularly and keep it pristine. If you don’t use a skimmer, it can cause your pool to remain dirtier and also overwork your pump, which can lead to problems down the line. Depending on your schedule and willingness, you can skim out the pool on a daily basis or semi-weekly basis. There are a variety of different types of pool skimmers to choose from, so your personal preference and comfort level will probably be the deciding factor in which one you choose. Pool companies in The Woodlands recommend that you use an automatic or electronic pool skimmer if you find it’s too much work for you to do it manually, as it will still keep your pool clean but won’t take time out of your schedule. Pool Maintenance Tip 3: Check and Maintain Pool pH Levels A pool’s pH levels give the indication of the water’s acidity, which can range anywhere from 0-14. There is an ideal number, however— you should keep your pool’s pH level between 7.2-7.8 for a safe swimming environment. When you have pH levels over 7.8, your water becomes more alkaline, which will end up weakening the effect of the chlorine and will not be able to keep the pool as clean and safe as it should be. It can also irritate your eyes and cause dry skin, also wearing out your goggles and bathing suits faster. If you go below 7.2, you can face some serious problems as the water could become too acidic and actually corrosive. This can cause damage to your pool surfaces as well as railings and other water and lighting fixtures or accessories. It can also lead to algae growth and lack of cleanliness. Since you invest good money in your pool area, you want to make sure this does not happen and cause your outdoor pool area devastation and costly repair needs. When you find that your pool is having pH problems and is consistently out of range, you’ll need to use chemicals in order to help it get back to normal. If you feel unsure or unsafe doing this, pool companies in The Woodlands TX can help you take a look and get things on track. Pool Maintenance Tip 4: Use a Pool Vacuum Sometimes there may be hard-to-reach spots that have debris buildup, and using a pool vacuum can help ensure that is resolved and everything stays in good shape. Pool vacuuming should be done once a week, according to The Woodlands Pool Builders. Make sure you keep an eye out for the hose so that it doesn’t get sucked up in the vacuum, and make sure that you take care of any algae, hard material, or stains with a chemical pool cleaner and brush so that it doesn’t cause a long-term problem. Pool Maintenance Tip 5: Check For Leaks Always keep your eye on your pool and do checks for leaks every so often. There are a few things you can look out for to identify if you may have a pool leak:
You can also do something known as the “bucket test,” which helps to identify if your pool is leaking, or if it's just evaporation. Put a 5-gallon bucket on the stairs of your pool, secure it, and fill it with the same amount of water as the pool water level on the outside. Mark both levels, inside and out. If after 48-72 hours you see the levels about the same inside and out, it’s not a leak. If the outside water level is lower than the inside water level, you’ll need to call in The Woodlands pool company to help take a look and identify the leak problem, as this can be detrimental to your yard as well as to your pool health. Pool Companies in the Woodlands: Maintenance Help If you feel that your pool has a consistent issue and may need help with remodeling or pool construction, fear not. We can help! Our expert team of pool professionals can help you with all of your pool building and remodeling needs in The Woodlands area. Contact The Woodlands Pool Builders and we’ll be there in a jiffy!
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